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by 孙蘋







by Angela Tam

On May 1st 2010, the second annual Multicultural Event was held at John Paul II Secondary School.   All programs of the International Language Program were joined together to organize this event supported by the London District Catholic School board.  We, London Chinese School, were honoured to be one of the biggest participating language schools.  Other schools include Assyrian, Ethiopian, Greek, Korean, Pakistan, Poland, Portuguese, Spanish and Vietnamese.     The main purpose of this event was not only to display and learn about different cultures through videos, performances, food, and games, but also to raise money so all proceeds can be sent to Haiti.

When I arrived at John Paul II Secondary School, our principal, vice principal, teachers and student volunteers had already started in preparation for the events in the atrium.  Tables were set for many activities, displays and food.  Some of our teachers and parents were very generous and donated different kinds of food and snacks including dumplings, fortune cookies, fried rice, sushi and much more.   Our senior students and teachers also helped in demonstrations such as Chinese painting, calligraphy, paper cutting, chopsticks usage, and Chinese chess.  Our students also performed a magnificent dance of the Thousand Hand Buddha and a beautiful song played with the traditional Chinese instrument Guzheng by Alice.  They both received thunderous applause from the audience.

As I walked around the atrium to tables set up by the different International Language Schools, I enjoyed looking at their displays of their traditional costumes and of course, sampling their traditional cuisine.  This multicultural event gives me a valuable opportunity to walk into different communities that is less familiar to me and more importantly, when you learn about different cultures, you can respect each other more. 

Chinese Language and Culture Classes for beginners

Chinese Class








2nd competition

謝校長與所有參與學生和家長及MPP-Mr.Khalil Ramal(後排左一)會後留影

2nd Canadian Chinese Proficiency Competition

Written by Alice Leys

On April 11th, 2010, I attended the 2nd Canadian Chinese Proficiency Competition in Toronto. There were 2 categories; Chinese and non-Chinese. As I am only half-Chinese, I thought it would be more appropriate to enter in the non-Chinese category. My other three friends entered in the Chinese category.

There were three parts to the competition. Firstly, was a Chinese speech competition. It was worth 50 marks. The second part was the knowledge questionnaire. That was worth 20 marks. The last section was a Talent contest, also worth 20 marks. The whole competition was out of 70 points, but there was a prize/trophy for each category, plus a prize for the winner of all three categories.

For the speech portion of the Competition, I didn’t do as well as I had hoped. I was quite nervous, and stumbled a bit near the end of my speech. I also thought the judges were quite intimidating when I was up on the stage. Giving speeches was never my finest skill, especially when in a language other than English, so I’m not surprised I was not the best in that section.

I did quite well on the second part, however, as they were quite simple and direct questions about China. The questions themselves were very diverse; it ranged from ancient musical instruments to grammar and politics. I felt very comfortable answering these questions, as I am very well-known in the subject of Chinese trivia.

The third section of the competition was definitely my favourite and strongest performance. 5 years ago, I traveled to China with my mother for vacation in the summertime. It was then that I learned how to play the GuZheng, a Chinese Harp-like instrument. For this competition, I played a 3 minute song on the instrument. I was quite confident I would do well in this part of the Competition. I was right.

After all the candidates had gone, there was a lunch break, and then a performance. There were lots of dancing, singing, and other musical displays, and I enjoyed them all very much. Several important representatives and sponsors also made quick speeches, and then finally it was time to hand out the awards and trophies.

I ended up winning the trophy for the Talent Contest, as everyone seemed to expect. I could see my parents smiling and taking pictures of me in the audience seats. After all the trophies were handed out, a television news reporter, a radio host, and a news reporter came up and interviewed me. It was quite fun, and I ended up getting on the radio, newspaper, and TV all in one day!

All in all, I thought the whole competition was a lot of fun, and I got to meet so many new people. I see winning a trophy and a fancy certificate as just a bonus, as I definitely took a lot of experience and good memories from the competition!

Hopefully next year, I will be able to enter the competition again, and maybe I will win for the second time. But even if I don’t, I would love to gain even more experience and new friends than this year, especially because now I know exactly what to expect. I hope all the other candidates who participated in the competition also feel the same way, and I can’t wait to see them all again next year!

Annual Academic Competition winners’ list

Annual Academic Competition has been held on March 06, 2012, various rules were designed by the students’ level and age. The following is the winners’ list.

一年一度的校際學藝競賽已於三月六日結束. 學校依據學生程度及年齡設計不同方式之比賽. 下列為所有得獎者名單.

Academic Competition Winners 2009-2010

Class Name
MJK 1) Jordan Davis吳家琪
  2) Anli Ren 安梨
  3) Amaia Soler樂小帆
MSK 1) Cassandra LeMarguand
  2) Vanessa Shi-Tong Chen 陳祉彤
  3) Sarah Zong 宗左易
M1 1) Madison Mindroff
    2) Sandra Suarez Garcia
  3) Jessica Xiao肖晓玲
Split 1) Justin Ninh Ngo
  2) Jessica Chen
  3) Jannette Lai賴倩靜
M2 1) Queena Liu劉坤
  2) Catherine Shi 施嘉琳
  3) Ariana Seah Rushlow 佘心寧
M3 1) Junho Ryn
  2) Alex Zheng Guo郭正
  3) Linda Yixue Sun孫一雪
M4 1) Rebecca Chu初子晴
  2) Andrew XiaoYu Jiang江曉瑜
  3) Lucy Liu 劉芸瑄
M5 1) Jenny Gu   顧嘉妮
  2) Shao Na邵納
  3) Tom Xin Shing Zhang張星晟
M6 1) Aiden Xing邢遠洋
  2) Annie Chan陳姿安
M7 1) Larry Jiang 姜蹤耀
  2) Yi Lan Lou 羅藝瀾
  3) Yu Xin Liu 劉昱斤 and Calvin Wong 黃俊賢
M8 1) Jessica Liu 劉暢
  2) Jimmy Zou 鄒詩明
CJ 1) Jackie Lac 駱志賢
  2) Solomon Pritchard 百俊威
  3) Trinity Yeung 楊穎曦and Ethan Quang 關睿智
CM 1) Michael Dieu 姚家發
  2) William Ngo 吳振宇
  3) Stephanie Lam 林潔明
CS 1) Megan Hong 洪美盈
  2) Samantha Yu 余雅麗
  3) Maisy Lam 林可君
Credit Course 1) Tianbo Yu余天博
  2) Xue Qi Yang楊雪琪
  3) Si-Chen Yuan袁思晨
  4) Junxi Lao勞駿曦

Scholarship Information for Credit Course Students 獎學金消息

1) Allan Quan Award $100
– Academic achievement
– Participation / Service
– Commitment with a writing article in Chinese to apply

2) Chinese Heritage Language Education Fun Scholarship $800 for Summer Heritage Camp in Taiwan or China
– Applicants should be over 16 years old or have been in Canada over 10 years Application has been approved by Taiwan or China government
– Willing to pay return air ticket
– Eager to find own heritage root
– Recommend by the teacher and endorsed by the principal and parents group
– Submit a learning trip report after having returned

3) Chinese Canadian National Council
I. Dr. S. K. Wong Scholarship $500
II. Stephanie Leung Memorial Scholarship $500
– Fill the application of CCNC and submit to CCNC directly.

Please contact the office as soon as possible if you are interesting at the above scholarship.




二月六日伦敦中文学校举行农曆年庆祝活动。 九点开始, 许多家长就陆续到自己子女的教室与各别班级的教师恳谈。 由双方的沟通, 家长得以了解子女在学校的学校的学习状况, 及教师之教学方式。 学校特别制作了学生成绩展览墙, 以利家长们观赏其子女之成就。 同时也希望家长们给予他们对教师和学校的期待, 学校将会诊所有的建议, 以提昇教学品质。

十点开始, 学生及家长聚集於体育馆, 十点十五分庆祝会正式开始。 首先是谢校长致词, 教育局代表Mr. James Martin 也莅临, 并向大家恭喜新年快乐。 接著由Mr. Alex Tang领导的舞狮团做出精彩的表演, 还有课外活动话剧班学生表演趣味太极及歌唱 ”新年好” , 学生们可爱及逗趣的表演, 获得满堂彩。 再来是课外活动武术班学生的有麟有角的真功夫表演。 最後由所有广东班学生合唱 ”财神到” , 迎接四位由家长们装扮的财神爷。 最高潮是他们带来了喜气洋洋的吉祥红包, 整个会场一片欢乐。

今年最别开生面的农曆年庆祝活动, 是 ”大手拉小手的亲子活动” 。 从十点半开始
, 学生及家长们即兵分六路参与: 1) 侍亲奉茶 2) 二人叁足3)踩汽球赛 4)亲子接力赛5)成语比赛6)反义词比赛7)亲子绘脸比赛。 不仅所有参与者都可以得到一份奖品, 比赛的赢家更有一份特殊的奖品, 最後还有二十份的幸运大奖抽奖活动。 整个会场笑声﹑惊喜声不断, 其乐融融。 十一点點半农曆虎年庆祝活动划下圆满句点。

在这里代表学校感谢家长和来宾们的共襄盛举, 也感谢教师们和所有高中部的學生們的辛苦, 更要特别感谢家长会代表们的无私奉献,不管在有形的金钱上或无形的时间上。 在此向下列所有的热心教育者献上深深一鞠躬:
Parents Group — Lynda Templeton; Edward Yu; Elaine Gan; Tony Dou;
Meonne Chan; Darlene Teslak Chan; Perlin Tan;
Jenny Ma; May Tang; Mary Wang; Perlin Tan
Special Donators– Mr. Stephen Leung (CCNC Director)
Mr. Jim (Asia Market Owner)
Mr. Ron (Quality Dollar & Gifts Owner)

因为你们的参与,让伦敦中文学校可以造福更多的孩子, 也迎向更欣欣向荣的將來。

Feb. 09, 2010.



謝校长身着节日盛装,向全体师生家长发表了讲话。她简要回顾了学校自9月份以来取得的成绩,并通报了中文学校新一届董事会的情况 。校长要求每位学生要带一份《伦敦中文学校简讯(冬季版)》给自己的家长收阅,这是学校坚持开门办学,为学生家长负责,接受家长监督,加强与华人社区沟通的一项重要举措。

活动伊始,中文学校幼稚園全体同学身穿聖誕节日服装,个个装扮得像天使下凡。他们面带阳光般的微笑,为大家表演了童声合唱《铃儿响叮当》,甜美的天籁之音给大家带来了艺术享受,赢得了雷鸣般的掌声 (图片1)。二年级全体师生给大家演唱了《Silent Night》,他们几乎专业般的表演,获得了大家的一致好评 (图片2)。演出期间,学生家长和媒体的相机,录像机响个不停,为本次活动记录下了美好瞬间。
新当选的学生家长代表主席Lynda Tempson女士和全体师共度佳节,她用英语,普通话和粤语向大家她致以节日的祝贺 (图片3)。Lynda Tempson女士坚持让自己从中国领养的女儿上中文学校,以瞭解自己的根源所在,她以实际行动支持了伦敦中文学校的发展。她的当选表明了学校家长代表广泛性和代表性高度统一,对促进学校建设,增强对外交流,扩大中华文化的影响有着重要的意义。
家長會副會長Mr. Edward Yu著圣诞老人的全副裝扮出现,把本次活动推向了高潮。圣诞老人背着印有“伦敦中文学校”字样礼品袋,与校长,Lynda Tempson 女士一起,向各班级分发了礼品 (图片4)。同学们吃着由任课老师代发的糖果,笑在眉梢,喜在心头。
3 6

International Language School Teachers’ Annual Conference & Workshop for Teachers

On Saturday morning, November 14 2009 I attended the International Languages Annual Conference and attended the lecture named “How the children express their feeling and emotions” presented by Ms. Madzelan.

Ms. Madzelan started her lecture by giving us a heart with different feelings. She asked us to put our names in the middle and highlight the corresponding words that we felt at her class. Then she asked some people why they felt that way. Thirdly she gave us some activities like separating different colors into four different catalogues included happiness, fear, contentment, anger. As a teacher, she suggested we help children to teach the feeling words, encourage them to express their feelings with some proper guidance. Lastly she gave us a list of books that help children for a better understanding feeling and the way to deal with them. Thanks ILAC for the opportunities for us to explore different teaching ideas. (Yepiao Deng)

教职员在职训练 Workshops for Teachers
十月二十四日举办教职员在职训练, 邀请Mr. Colin Robbins和许浩先生担任讲师。Mr. Colin Robbins是Bill Centre高中部资深的ESL老师, 透过他深入浅出的实际教学经验谈, 让所有教师更瞭解如何掌管课室秩序, 以提昇上课品质。 他也至各班教室, 实际观察每位老师之教学情况, 并一一指出优缺点, 也提供改进之方法, 所有老师均获益良多。
徐浩先生主讲电脑网路, 训练老师如何制作自己的部落格, 以提升与学生及家长的沟通管道品质, 激励各位教师加紧脚步, 以赶上时代的潮流。经过评估,此次的在职训练达到预期目标。接下来,就要靠教师们自我的鞭策及努力。我们深深相信, 培养第一流的师资, 才能造就顶尖的学生, 本校将继续秉持此目标前进。
On Saturday October 24, the London Chinese School (LCS) held workshops for its teachers on classroom management and building blogs on the school’s web site.
Mr. Collin Robinson, an expert in ESL, who teaches at Center Bill Public High School, was invited to give teachers a workshop about classroom management and teaching strategies. During the workshop, the teachers had the opportunity to have Mr. Robinson’s consultation and to exchange ideas on issues in regard to improving classroom management as well as pedagogical methods. In the blog workshop held by Mr. Hao Xu, teachers were trained to upload materials onto the school’s web site, so that they will be able to post notices, homework assignments, teaching resources, pictures and other news and information they would like to share with the community.