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伦敦中文学校课后活动 London Chinese School After School Programs




汉语拼音是识字的工具,是学习普通话的工具, 对每一位想学好汉语的人是必不可 少的一项基本功。我校在星期六的课程结束后,还特地开办了拼音班,为同学提供教学和辅导。希望同学们能珍惜这个机会,踊跃参加。(孙莉)

太极班 Tai Chi Class

Tai Chi originates from martial art in China. But it is better known as an effective exercise for health. There are researches done on the benefit of Tai Chi on arthritis. But that is not the only benefit. Its other benefits include improvement of posture, flexibility, strength, balance and integration of body and mind. Tai Chi is exercise for people of all ages. Shi Fu Norman Lam and his fellow volunteer instructors have offered Tai Chi class at London Chinese School to the school parents and London community more than 20 years. Class time is every Saturday between 10:00 am and 11:30 am at the gym. The class starts with warm up and breathing exercise, then follows by Wu style 108 forms. Master Lam always explains each move and their applications patiently. Do the forms at your own pace and learn the forms at your own pace. Don’t miss such affordable, low impact and convenient exercise opportunity.


水墨画在课堂上倍受学生欢迎,老师不仅教授学生如何画梅花,而且培养学生如何欣赏中国山水画。从中国山水画的表现形式,组成元素,到浓淡技巧, 老师们讲得清清楚楚,学生们听得津津有味。
韩书友 摄影

Chinese School: Why You Should Go

This summer from July 1 – July 30, I was very fortunate to be able to attend a summer camp in Taiwan under Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commissions (OCAC). This camp is funded by the Government of Taiwan and only requires you to pay a fee about $750 and buy your own plane ticket. This program has offered me many opportunities to better my understanding of the Chinese culture, experience living in a Chinese society, and make friends with people from all over the world.
How was all this possible?
Because I went to Chinese School.

First of all, I found out about this incredible program when I was at Chinese school, and through the principal, Linda Hsieh, as well as filling out some application forms, I was enrolled into the OCAC camp. I then realized, if I had not gone to Chinese school, I would never have found out, or even dreamt about going to camp in Taiwan.

When I arrived at the Taiwan airport, two very sweet camp counselors greeted me and soon we were having a conversation… in mandarin! They even complimented my mandarin and asked how I had been able to speak mandarin even though I grew up in Canada. I said, “Because I went to Chinese School” and in my mind I was truly glad that I had not given up on my Chinese.

At camp, there were numerous times when I came to appreciate Chinese school again and again. Most of these times were when I was shopping with friends, whom I met at the camp, at night markets or shopping centers. Before shopping, our camp counselors would usually remind us that if the salesperson found out that you were from a foreign country, they might raise the prices. However, because I was able to speak Chinese fluently enough for others to believe that I was not a foreigner, not only did we buy things for a cheap price, but sometimes I would be able to bargain for an even lower price.

This camp also allowed me to engage in numerous activities that would enrich my knowledge of the Chinese culture such as lantern painting, fan painting, traditional mask painting, calligraphy, Tai-Chi, figurine sculpting and singing. We sang traditional Taiwanese songs and pop music, which I had very much enjoyed. At the end of camp, we were even allowed to bring our works of art home—I still have everything I made at camp.

On the other hand, I visited many museums, significant buildings (President’s office), and scenic areas. My favourites were the scenic areas by the ocean. Although we were not allowed to go swimming at the beach, we saw many strangely shaped rocks on land (one coincidentally looked like the side of a woman’s face if you looked at it from a certain angle and came to be known as the “Queen’s Head”). We also hiked a lot on mountains and visited many caves, and in the caves were temples where people worshipped Buddha. Even though I am not religious, hiking was a great way to exercise and see Taiwan in a totally different perspective.

During camp, everyone had to take a week and a half of mandarin class, and to determine which level you were at, the teachers would put you through a series of tests for speaking, reading, and writing. I had successfully passed all three with ease. As a result, they put me into the ‘Almost Perfect in Chinese’ class, which made me very proud of myself and thankful that I had attended Chinese School in Canada.

Thus, I’d like to emphasize once more the importance of Chinese School. Chinese School has allowed me to explore another part of the world, experience another way of life, and it had certainly opened up more opportunities for me.

By Lydia Huang

Parents’ group Meeting On Oct 24, 2009 / 家長會將於十月二十四日召開

October 3, 2009

Dear All Parents,

There is no doubt that a strong and solid parents’ group will help and support London Chinese School growing and developing. Thanks to all parents who contribute their time and energy to the school with their heart in the past. Since some patents have no children at our school any more, they will step down this year, and hope to give the opportunity to new parents for participating and working together with the principal.
The parents’ group meeting will be held at 9:30am on October 24, 2009 (Saturday) at the school’s staff room, will elect our new representatives and chairperson of this Group, also discuss the other issues. All parents are most welcome; if you have any question, please contact Linda Hsieh, Principal of London Chinese School.


一個有效率且熱心公益的家長會, 無疑地絕對可以協助倫敦中文學校的成長及發展.感謝過去所有曾參與學校活動的家長們, 他們的無私奉獻, 使學校得以不斷地繼續成長. 有些家長的孩子, 已自本校畢業, 所以他們將功成身退, 以讓更多新的家長參與此團體, 以協助校長辦理校務.
家長會將於十月二十四日(星期六) 早上九點半於職員室召開會議. 同時選舉家長會的新任代表們及主席. 歡迎所有本校學生家長們踴躍參與! 如有任何疑問請與謝校長聯絡.


一个有效率且热心公益的家长会, 无疑地绝对可以协助伦敦中文学校的成长及发展.感谢过去所有曾参与学校活动的家长们, 他们的无私奉献, 使学校得以不断地继续成长. 有些家长的孩子, 已自本校毕业, 所以他们将功成身退, 以让更多新的家长参与此团体, 以协助校长办理校务.
家长会将於十月二十四日(星期六), 早上九点半 於职员室召开会议. 同时选举家长会的新任代表们及主席. 欢迎所有本校学生家长们踊跃参与! 如有任何疑问请与谢校长联络.

Sincerely yours,

Linda Hsieh (謝曾芳蘭), Principal
On behalf of Parents’ Group






London Chinese School News Blog open for registration

Good news! London Chinese School News Blog open to public. Welcome to join us.

2009 Eastern Canada Chinese Language Teachers’ Conference / 加東華文教師研習會

Participating in “2009 Eastern Canada Chinese Language Teachers’ Conference”

written by Lisa He

translated and edited by Clare Chan

“2009 Eastern Canada Chinese Language Teachers’ Conference” took place at the Culture Centre, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in Toronto during July 4th and July 7th, 2009. Over 10 Chinese schools in the Greater Toronto Area have alternated hosting the conference. This 22nd colloquium was sponsored by the Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission, Republic of China (OCAC) and hosted by the Toronto Chung Wah Chinese School (TCWCS). The opening ceremony began at 9:00 a.m. with guests, Mr. Kuo-Jan Wang, office head of TECO, and Mrs. Judith Whitfield, principal of Continuing Education, the Toronto District School Board. About 180 participants represented more than 40 Chinese schools across the province and consisted of administrators, volunteers and teachers. The team of the London Chinese School (LCS) led by Mrs. Linda Hsieh proudly joined the event.

The theme of the conference was “Cultivating Seedlings”. Three guest speakers, Professor Chin-Chin Tseng, director of Mandarin Training Centre, National Taiwan Normal University, Miss Xin-Yi Zhang, Master student in Mandarin Training Centre, National Taiwan Normal University, and Mr. Chin-Hsi Lin, Ph.D. student in Department of Education, University of California, Irvine, were invited from Taiwan to deliver lecture. The topics consisted of Creative Teaching, Class Management, the Evolvement of Chinese Characters and Teaching, and Multimedia Teaching Aids. Other guest speakers, Mr. Tony Lo, computer specialist, and Mrs. Su-E Shi, principal of the Ark Chinese School, were invited to demonstrate a preparation for multimedia teaching by the application of Microsoft Office and construct a blog.

There are three lecture highlights: Firstly, performing comic dialogues in Chinese can arouse students’ initiative in learning and encourage retentive memory. Students will learn to appreciate the performance, discuss vocabularies and phrases and imitate to perform. Secondly, multimedia allows a different perspective on good-quality teaching. Thirdly, multimedia has been a powerful, educational tool. Teachers can generate fun, lively and organized learning experience to students by adding audio-visual effect in lectures. Teachers’ messages can be clear and substantial in the run-up. Students can take advantage of the technology in projects.

The conference has broadened my knowledge about the present trend of learning Chinese. Chinese has become the second popular speaking language in the world. As a teacher in Chinese school, I am obliged to contribute myself to the cultural exchange. I am greatly indebted to OCAC, TCWCS and LCS for the wonderful colloquium.



7月4日多倫多台北經濟文化辦事處文化中心舉辦了“2009加東地區華文教師研習會”。開幕式九點開始,駐多倫多台北經濟文化辦事處的王國然處長,多倫多市公校教育局進修教育課程校長Judith Whitfield 等參加了開幕式。該研習會由僑務委員贊助,大多倫多地區十餘所中文學校輪流主辦,今年已進入第二十二個年頭。此屆與會者約有180人,分別是來自四十餘所中文學校的教師、行政人員、以及關心漢語教學的人士。倫敦中文學校由Linda 校長帶隊,參加了這個為期四天的研習會。




7月4日多伦多台北经济文化办事处文化中心举办了“2009加东地区华文教师研习会”。开幕式九点开始,驻多伦多台北经济文化办事处的王国然处长,多伦多市公校教育局進修教育课程校长Judith Whitfield 等参加了开幕式。该研习会由侨务委员赞助,大多伦多地区十余所中文学校轮流主办,今年已进入第二十二个年头。此届与会者约有180人,分别是来自四十余所中文学校的教师、行政人员、以及关心汉语教学的人士。伦敦中文学校由Linda 校长带队,参加了这个为期四天的研习会。



Summer Camp Sharing

2009年7月2日,我带着儿子Edward来到Jean Vanier Catholic School的暑期中文班报到.我以前的专业是教育专业,教室对我有一种无穷的吸引力,我喜欢那种与人互动,帮助别人的感觉。在得到Linda和孙老师的同意后,我和Alex一起开始了中文班的自愿者工作,和孩子们渡过了愉快而有意义的三个星期的中文学习生活。


持续三周的课程,孩子们投身于中华文化和语言文字的学习中。孙老师教学的过程由浅入深,学生们从第一天简单用中文介绍自己开始学起,然后逐渐学习了数数,家庭成员称呼,生肖等方面的内容 。周末的时候学生还了解到中国的传统节日如元宵节,中秋节,春节等。教学的内容也丰富多彩,学生们除了自己动手写毛笔字,创作了各自的水墨画外,他们还接触了中国工夫,练习打太极拳。灵活的教学方式吸引了孩子们学习的兴趣。学生们首先在活泼欢快的音乐声中开始了课前的准备—大家一起动动手,动动脚边唱边跳来赶走早晨的睡意。上课当中老师运用了趣味性的游戏,竞赛等一系列活动来吸引学生的学习的兴趣,例如练习拿筷子,猜谜语等。




July 2,2009 Edward and I Signed up for Chinese Summer Class at Jean Vanier Catholic. My English teaching background and my willingness in helping and interacting with students led to work as an volunteer in the classroom 。Given approval from Linda and Mrs Sun , I started my job as a volunteer for the class and spent the 3 exciting and meaningful weeks in Chinese learning。

Edward’s father is Canadian,We use English most of the time。Even though I tried to speak Chinese with him whatever I can,he still seemed to show not much interest in it。I thought an environment that he can communicate with his peers might help to solve the problem, which is why we signed Edward up for Chinese summer school。

Students spent 3 fun and productive weeks in leaning Chinese Culture and Language。The teaching process ranged from beginner to more difficult concepts。Students started from simply introduce themselves in Chinese to counting number,naming family members,and learning about the Chinese Zodiac。Students learned about traditional Chinese holidays like Spring Festival,Lantern Festival and Moon festival every Friday as well。Classes also covered other topics from Chinese Caligraphy,painting, Kungfu and Tai Chi。Ms Sun flexibly used different teaching method like songs,games and individual,pair, and group work to attract students’ attention。For example, students started the class in a health song dance to get rid of morning sleepiness and they were divided into groups during the class to guess the riddle for the lantern festival。Students had lots of fun in leaning Chinese while making friends with each others。

Edward surely shared many fun experiences。He is now more interested in learning Chinese,and more importantly,he change his attitude towards using Chinese。He can now write his own name in Chinese and enjoy singing his Chinese songs and showing off his kungfu and Tai Chi to us 。
I would like to mention that because of the different ages and language levels among students ,separate classes might better take into consideration different objectives and can be more suited the students needs。Writing is also new for a students ages 4 or 5 who have just started Chinese learning。 It would be helpful if the teacher could spend more time working on basic writing skills,as well as teach them some daily conversation skill as well。

I really appreciate how the London Chinese School provided such an amazing opportunity for my child to learn Chinese during the summer 。I also like to thank Linda and Mrs Sun and Alex for their effort putting toward the Chinese class. We are looking forward to next summer class!

Author: Yepiao Deng 邓叶飘

Summer Camp Report

London Chinese School Summer Camp
On July 24 of 2009, London Chinese School Summer Camp concluded with a wonderful ceremony, including campers’ performance and parent-child activities. The little campers presented an impressive show to their parents. They performed six Chinese songs and rhymes, singing, dancing and acting, and even practiced some Chinese Kungfu. In the performance, the children demonstrated achievements beyond the parents’ expectation. After the performance, the parents and children enjoyed art of tea making, music on the traditional Chinese instrument—“guzheng,” and a Chinese lunch with chopsticks.
During the 17 days on the camp, the kids had great fun learning a variety of topics centered around themes of Chinese culture, such as food, martial arts, Chinese Zodiac, etc. They practiced Chinese calligraphy and painting with brush and ink and displayed their works on the wall. On Fridays, the campers and teacher imitated celebrations of Chinese festivals with traditional activities. The children were exposed to a broad range of Chinese cultural materials, from songs to rhymes, from cartoons to folklores, as well as games popular in China. Through these entertaining cultural experiences, linguistic skills were acquired in an easy-going way.
The summer camp features an integration of language learning, cultural experience, and interactive activities. The campers had such a great time that they have developed an intense interest in Chinese language and culture. London Chinese School would like to thank the staff and parents for all the support that has made our camp a success, and we hope your children will join us again next summer!

Summer Camp 倫敦中文夏令營

Summercamp-logoThe London Chinese School Summer camp is happening during July 2- July 24. We are having funs and learning the chinese cultrue as well. Every body is more than welcome to join us. Enjoy!
倫敦中文學校夏令營 正在進行中, 同學們不僅參與到了有趣、生動的中國遊戲、歌舞, 也同時更深入的了解和體驗了中華文化. 中文夏令營將於七月24日星期五舉辦傑也表演, 希望大家都來觀看.

Chinese Summer Camp

Click for more Media and pictures of Our Summer Camp.