By London Chinese School, on July 20th, 2012 倫敦中文學校一年一度的學習競賽在四月二十一日順利開展並圓滿結束。競賽中,各年級的學生都帶著非常高的熱情,成功展示了自己的中文綜合能力。老師們對這次競賽做了細緻周到的準備,根據學生不同的中文水平和多樣的文化背景,將語言能力結合個人才藝,設計了獨特的,適合自己班級的競賽方式,有抄寫、默寫、配圖、朗讀、背誦、演講、以及電腦課件製作等。
By London Chinese School, on July 20th, 2012 漢語拼音小競賽——幼兒園小班
作為本次競賽的支持企業,Mandarin Buffet為每一位獲獎者提供免費餐券一張,以茲鼓勵。
作为本次竞赛的支持企业,Mandarin Buffet为每一位获奖者提供免费餐券一张,以兹鼓励。
By London Chinese School, on March 4th, 2012 1月28日,倫敦中文學校熱鬧舉辦了2012的新年慶祝活動。會場上充滿孩子們的龍年應景作品,大紅燈籠、鞭炮、剪紙、書法等,將體育館的主牆點綴得精彩繽紛、年味十足。當天校內師生及許多與會朋友們都穿上了喜氣洋洋的中國傳統服飾,一起感染春到人間的氣息。豐富的表演活動內容包括了師生們演唱新年歌曲、中國舞蹈、勁力飽滿的中國功夫、柔中寓剛的太極等;震人心弦的舞獅表演更是將會場氣氛帶到最高潮。感謝表演團體貴賓、各位同學以及教職員們的心力投注,使大家有如置身一場九十分鐘的東方文化巡禮。
On Jan. 28, the London Chinese School held the Chines New Year Celebration of 2012 with full energy. Signs of the Dragon were everywhere–on crafted red lanterns and firecrackers, paper cutting and calligraphy works all over the gym wall. Students, parents and teachers came in traditional clothes of vibrant colors to show their new year spirit. We could smell spring in the air!
The various programs in the ninety-minute celebration rounded up a cultural tour to the East, including Chinese songs and dance, the vigorous martial art, and the tranquil strength and beauty of Tai Chi. The breathtaking lion dance brought the celebration to a climax. All enjoyed the wonderful performances thanks to the time and hard work dedicated by the students, staff and our guest performers.
The arrival of the Money God was a surprising delight to the children. Each received a red envelope with lucky money inside and had the chance to take a picture with him. People greeted each other in the Chinese New Year style and said goodbye. The celebration had come to an end but the great year had just started. Have a wonderful Dragon Year!
Ms. Chun Ju Tsai (Grade 1 Mandarin Teacher)
By London Chinese School, on January 11th, 2012 On 28th December, 2011, our Principal Perin Wong was invited to attend a farewell luncheon meeting hosted by his Excellency Chen Ligang, The Chinese Consul General in Toronto. Attendance includes other representatives of the London Chinese community and our Mayor Mr. Joe Fontana. We wish his Excellency Chen Ligang has a wonderful new journey after his retirement. He will be missed by the London Chinese Community.
2011年, 12月28日,我们的校长陳王寶玉女士被邀请出席多伦多中国大使馆 陈立钢总领事主办的离任午餐会。会上出席还有其他伦敦华人社区代表和我们的市长Joe Fontana先生。伦敦华人社区代表们对即将离任的陈立钢总领事表达依依不捨心情。
By London Chinese School, on January 9th, 2012 On 17th December, 2011, we celebrated Christmas at the London Chinese School. There was a bake sale with lots of treats and goodies, they were very yummy. Santa Clause even came to give us a little prize and I learnt the Chinese word of Merry Christmas (圣诞快乐)! It was very fun to celebrate the tradition of Christmas and celebrate the Christian event of the birth of Jesus. Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year.
By Melissa (Mandarin Grade 6 student)
By London Chinese School, on January 9th, 2012 Shi Fu Norman Lam and his class celebrate Christmas at the School with a pot luck party. Shi Fu Norman Lam has offered Tai Chi class at London Chinese School to the school parents for 25 years. Class time is every Saturday morning at the gym. Parents are welcome to join.
By London Chinese School, on January 9th, 2012 On 26th November, 2011. Our Principal was invited to a dinner party hosted by the Deputy Consul-General Wu Dongmei of The Consulate General of The People’s Republic of China in Toronto while visiting London. Guests included other representatives of the London Chinese Community. During this meeting, Our Principal was assured that the Consulate will support and assist London Chinese School if require.
(Photo: from left to right. Our Principal Ms Perin Wong, Deputy Consul-General Ms. Wu Dongmei, CNCC London Chapter President Ms Joan Lee)
By London Chinese School, on December 18th, 2011 After discussions between our Principal Perin Wong and some of her new staff, our Principal came to a conclusion that many of our students needs to improve on Pinyin and Pinyin helps them to memorize how to read. This is a common problem for heritage learners since reading and writing are usually weaker than speaking and listening. Pinyin Workshop is an important and essential enhance program for our Mandarin Classes’ students.
After careful planning and contacting numerous sponsors, our Principal Ms. Wong finally secure the necessary resources to proceed with this first time in 30 years enhance program free for all our Mandarin Elementary and Culture and Language Classes’ students and according to Ms. Wong, this program may extend to our Mandarin Credit Classes’ students if necessary.
We would like to take the opportunity to thank the following Parties:
CHLEF and its Chair Ms. Susanne Quan for funding the program.
CNCC London Chapter and its Chair Ms. Joan Lee for lending us their HD Projector.
Our Principal, Ms Perin Wong for lending us her personal Laptop.
Without their support, this program may not be able to proceed, let alone overwhelming success.
Following is the comment from our Pinyin Workshop instructor.
我们的校长陈王宝玉女士和部分教师讨论后,得出的结论是我们许多学生需要提高拼音技巧,帮助他们阅读能力。对于本地出生或中文非他们母语的学生,这是一个普遍存在的问题,因为他们阅读和写作能力通常会比会话能力较弱。因此拼音教室是一个重要的国语课程。 经过王校长周密的计划和与众多赞助团体接触后,王校长终于争取到必要的资源来实行拼音教室,在30年来首次免费提供给本校的国语小学学生包括文化和语言班学生,王校长还表示,如果有需要可能会提供拼音教室给国语学分课程的学生。
CHLEF及其主席Susanne Quan女士提供资助。
CCNC London Chapter及其主席Joan Lee女士借出高清投影机。
Learning Hanyu Pinyin
Mandarin Chinese and English are very different languages. English is a phonetic transcription language but Manndarin Chinese is not. There are many characters and each of them is like a symbol. In order to recognize and read Mandarin Chinese characters correctly, learners need to learn Mandarin Chinese Phonetic systems. There are several Mandarin Chinese Phonetic systems used nowadays. Hanyu Pinyin is the official system to transcribe Chinese characters into the Roman alphabet in China, Malaysia, Singapore and Taiwan. It is also the most common system used by English speakers who learn Mandarin Chinese. It includes initials, finals and different tones. Knowing how to apply and use the pinyin system can help learners transcribe and read Mandarin Chinese characters more easily and build up their reading ability. It was my honor to start doing pinyin workshops at London Chinese School at the end of November. I hope it helps students build up their basic abilities about reading Mandarin Chinese and opens a new door for students to know the Chinese culture.
Chen, Li-Ching
中国的汉字和西方的文字有很大的不同,西方的文字是一种拼音的文字,文字呈现语言的声音,从声音认识文字的意义。而汉字是一种表形的文字,由于汉字是形符,所以文字不容易念出正确的声音,虽然汉字有90%以上的形声字,但是形声字的声符因受时间和地域的影响,有些字已经无法「有边读边,无边念中间」,所以要学习汉字先要学会音标方法。目前有许多汉字拼音方式及音标系统,维基百科中提到「汉语拼音系统是国际普遍承认的汉语普通话拉丁转写标准,国际标准ISO 7098(中文罗马字母拼写法)写道:「中华人民共和国全国人民代表大会(1958年2月11日)正式通过的汉语拼音方案,被用来拼写中文。」对于有英文背景的学习者,汉语拼音亦是比较容易学习的拼音方法, 它是以英文罗马字母为拼音的符号。汉语拼音符号包含声符、韵符和声调符号,汉语学习者,如果能认识汉语拼音符号,并掌握正确的声调,便能建立汉语的基础阅读能力。今年11月底,很荣幸能开始在伦敦中文学校
拼音课程教师 陈丽卿
By London Chinese School, on November 10th, 2011 Many thanks to Mrs. Joan Lee, CCNC Chairperson, for inviting the London Chinese School to attend the annual Toronto ALPHA fundraising dinner in Thornhill on November 6, 2011. London Chinese School Principal Perin Wong and six teachers attended this meaningful event.
In the reception area, guests were greeted with interesting displays such as the film and book The Rape of Nanking by Iris Chang, photos of the “Comfort Women” survivors, snapshots from the 2011 Study Tour, auctions items, and much more.
Prior to dinner, there was an excellent performance of the Korean Drums and other traditional instruments. As we finished dinner, drawing for raffle winners began, and MP Olivia Chow orchestrated the charity auction.
After the auction, Dr. Chris Spence, TDSB Director of Education addressed the guests. Dr. Spence’s speech was followed by testimonies from three youth, and a video from the 2011 Study Tour in China and South Korea. Finally, Dr. Joseph Wong, Director of Toronto ALPHA came on stage to encourage the audience to continue supporting ALPHA. Dr. Wong also introduced the Jack Layton Memorial Scholarship on Social Justice, which was set up in honour of his great friend, Jack.
Overall, we experienced an enjoyable social event. However, more importantly, we learned more about ALPHA’s mission to educate younger generations about the values of peace and social justice in order to become global citizens.
Regina Killik
在接待處,嘉賓可隨意觀賞各樣精彩展品,如:Iris Chang的著作和電影光碟「南京大屠殺」、在世的慰安婦照片、2011年遊學團之剪影、拍賣品的資料簡介及其他等等。
跟著由TDSB教育局董事Dr. Chris Spence致辭,然後有三位青年才俊道出個人體驗之見証及播放2011年遊學團在中國與南韓行程之片段。最後,史維會董事會主席黃裕佳醫生上台感謝和鼓勵來賓繼續支持史維會,還順道介紹Jack Layton Memorial Scholarship on Social Justice為紀念故友Jack而設。
By London Chinese School, on October 20th, 2011 2011年加东华文教师研讨会,于十月八、九两天在多伦多中华文化中心举行,主办单位是加东中文学校联合会。这届加东教师研习会是在感恩节的假期中进行,伦敦中文学校校长陈王宝玉带领六名教师参加了研习会。老师们牺牲了自己的休息时间,把握住了学习机会,受益匪浅。
国语七、八年级 教师
仇祝娟(Joanna Qiu)
2011 Eastern Canada Chinese Language Teacher’s Conference
The 2011 Eastern Canada Chinese Language Teacher’s Conference took place on October 8-9 at the Toronto Chinese Cultural Centre. This annual event is hosted by the Eastern Canada Chinese School Association. Led by Principal Perin , six teachers from the London Chinese School, including myself, participated in the conference. During this Thanksgiving weekend, the teachers sacrificed their break time for the opportunity to benefit and learn from other colleagues.
On the first day, we attended several seminars on teaching from the heart, lazy tones of Cantonese, the model of collaborative teaching materials, environmentally friendly lifestyle and universal teaching from elementary to high school. The next day, we got to experience Chinese language interactive digital games and applications, creative teaching – learning words with ease and Chinese holiday digital resources. The final seminar of the conference was a comprehensive discussion panel where the teachers spoke freely about their experiences that weekend and how workshops can be improved for the next year.
Overall, this year’s conference involved less theoretical teaching, and more simple, practical and interesting teaching methods. Learning Chinese through interactive game playing gave the teachers plenty of time to ask questions and learn from the conversations they sparked. In particular, the use of online resources and media is where teaching is headed in the future. Principal Perin Wang stated that the next step for the London Chinese School would be to develop those areas to enhance students’ interest in learning.
Mandarin Grade 7 & 8 Teacher
Qiu Zhu Juan (Joanna Qiu)