(by Regina Killik)
二月十三日晚, Chinese Alliance Church里灯火通明, 张灯结彩。 火红的宫灯和可爱的兔年灯笼悬挂在大堂中,教堂里充满了浓浓的节日气氛。伦敦中文学校一些家长和全体老师新春联谊会在这里举行。
家长们准备了丰盛的晚餐, 各自带来了拿手好菜, 一起动手包好了好吃的饺子。 教堂四周摆满了鲜花和礼品。首先家长致感谢辞, 深深地感谢全体老师们在过去一年的辛勤耕耘和可喜的成就。 随后谢校长致答谢辞。 家长王先生对前不久"家长问卷"调查进行了分析和解答,双方就共同关心的事情进行了探讨和商量。最后谢校长和沈副校长主持了抽奖。大家都很幸运,个个中奖,人们手捧心爱的奖品相互祝贺并合影,留下那开心的一笑。
联谊会在欢声笑语中结束了,可效果非同一般, 它极大地增强了中文学校的凝聚力,它像一座桥梁,沟通了中文学校老师和家长之间的交流。为了弘扬博大精深的中华文化,让我们携手共创中文学校美好灿烂的明天。
(by Jessie Shi)
On February 15, some parents invited teachers for an appreciation dinner. Teachers and the parents have had a wonderful night together, enjoying had-made fried dumplings, sharing experience and exchanging ideas. Parents concluded many good feedbacks and suggestions from last student’s survey, and thanked the teachers after dinner. The top attractive reason of studying at London Chinese School was because the school has excellent teachers, which greatly encourages all the teachers to contribute better for the class and the school. This dinner provided a relaxing and delightful atmosphere for the communication both between teachers and parents, and among teachers themselves.