By Benjamin Shen, on March 24th, 2011 By 仇祝娟老师
为欢度传统节日春节和弘扬中国文化,全加华人协进会伦敦分会于2月19日,在伦敦市中心(Covent Garden Market)举办了中国文化节,伦敦中文老师在谢曾芳兰校长的带领下也参与了这次活动。文化节通过多元化的表演形式,展现了一个传统、现代、融合、发展和多样的中国主题,内容包括文艺演出、舞狮表演、太极拳表演等节目。本次文化节现场有很多个摊位展示了中国相关的书画、工艺品、民族服饰和中国美食等。我们伦敦中文学校有学校简介、学生作品展览、传统手工剪纸、中国书法、制作兔年灯笼和抽奖等活动。伦敦中国文化节丰富多彩的文化娱乐活动,吸引了很多中国同胞和外国朋友,让喜欢中国文化的人不出国门就能亲身感受博大精深的中国文化,我们伦敦中文学校能为传播中国文化出一份力大家都感到非常光荣和自豪。
By Benjamin Shen, on March 24th, 2011 (by Regina Killik)
二月十三日晚, Chinese Alliance Church里灯火通明, 张灯结彩。 火红的宫灯和可爱的兔年灯笼悬挂在大堂中,教堂里充满了浓浓的节日气氛。伦敦中文学校一些家长和全体老师新春联谊会在这里举行。
家长们准备了丰盛的晚餐, 各自带来了拿手好菜, 一起动手包好了好吃的饺子。 教堂四周摆满了鲜花和礼品。首先家长致感谢辞, 深深地感谢全体老师们在过去一年的辛勤耕耘和可喜的成就。 随后谢校长致答谢辞。 家长王先生对前不久"家长问卷"调查进行了分析和解答,双方就共同关心的事情进行了探讨和商量。最后谢校长和沈副校长主持了抽奖。大家都很幸运,个个中奖,人们手捧心爱的奖品相互祝贺并合影,留下那开心的一笑。
联谊会在欢声笑语中结束了,可效果非同一般, 它极大地增强了中文学校的凝聚力,它像一座桥梁,沟通了中文学校老师和家长之间的交流。为了弘扬博大精深的中华文化,让我们携手共创中文学校美好灿烂的明天。
(by Jessie Shi)
On February 15, some parents invited teachers for an appreciation dinner. Teachers and the parents have had a wonderful night together, enjoying had-made fried dumplings, sharing experience and exchanging ideas. Parents concluded many good feedbacks and suggestions from last student’s survey, and thanked the teachers after dinner. The top attractive reason of studying at London Chinese School was because the school has excellent teachers, which greatly encourages all the teachers to contribute better for the class and the school. This dinner provided a relaxing and delightful atmosphere for the communication both between teachers and parents, and among teachers themselves.
By Benjamin Shen, on March 23rd, 2011 新年的钟声已经敲响,兔年在不经意间悄然来临。 2011年2月5日,伦敦中文学校的老师、学生和家长们共同度过了一个愉快而有意义的迎新活动。校长谢曾芳兰代表学校感谢家长们对学校工作的支持和对中文教育的重视。她预祝每一位学生都能像兔子一样,在新的一年里跳得更高、更远,学业蒸蒸日上。
By Angela Tam
On February 5th, an annual assembly was held for the Chinese New Year celebration for the year of Rabbit. In the morning, the school had an open house where parents can have the opportunity to meet the teachers and participate in activities for both parents and children to work and play together through “Parent’s Big Hand Holding Children’s Small Sand”. We are very grateful to have many guests joining our assembly including Mr. James Martin, principal of London Catholic School Board and many of our parents who showed up with great support.
The celebration assembly began with opening speeches by our principal, Linda Hsieh and Mr. James Martin then followed by the traditional performance of Lion Dance. The assembly was hosted by students from the Mandarin grade twelve class. Three outstanding class performances were done by our highly talented students. Performances include: our school song, “Gong Xi, Gong Xi” song by Special Program and Mandarin grade one class and a Cantonese Chinese New Year Song by Cantonese Intermediate and Senior class. They all received thunderous applause from the audience. Last but not least, Money Gods handed out red pockets, representing good health and prosperity to us, in bringing a close to such a festive assembly.
We especially thank our principal for planning this very joyous assembly and lucky draws as well as the hard works that were put into organizing numerous group activities together by our Parents Group including Paper Cutting, Chinese Zodiac Puzzle, Stepping Balloon, Writing Chun-Lian and Rolling Ball. The cooperation and support by our students and parents are greatly appreciated to bring all of us closer together to celebrate this meaningful event to be filled with knowledge and fun at the same time!
By Benjamin Shen, on February 1st, 2011 伦敦中文學校与中囯囯务院山东省办公室合作举办 “ 孔子故里巡思夏令営 “, 有兴趣者即日起,请与伦敦中文學校办公室联絡以索取報名表。電話:519-495-8688 详情如下:
一 . 資格:凡年滿十二歲以上 有意尋找文化根源者。
二 . 名額:二十名。即日起報名至二零一一年二月二十八日止或額滿為止。
三 . 期間:七月或八月兩梯次,各為期兩周。
四 . 費用:每人費用 CAD$800,包括課程,食宿及當地旅遊交通費用。 個人需自己負責
五 . 報名費:報名時需繳交CAD$100訂金。其馀費用於二零一一年四月三十日以前繳清。
Looking for Confucius Summer Camp
“Looking for Confucius Summer Camp” will be held in summer, 2011 through cooperation between London Chinese School and The Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Shandong Provincial Government. If you are interested, please obtain the registration form at the London Chinese School, contact : 519-495-8688. The following is the registration details:
1. Participants should be 12 years old or older.
2. Camp is offering 20 people for each team, register now till Feb. 28, 2011 (or till all space
3. The summer camp will be held in July or August of 2011. Each term is 2 weeks.
4. The cost is CAD$800 for each person, including food , accommodation, transportation and
classes, not including international returning air fare and medical insurance.
5. Please deposit CAD$100 for registration, the rest of the cost should be paid by April 30, 2011
By Benjamin Shen, on February 1st, 2011 伦敦中文學校与中囯当地學校合作, 举办不定期之文化交流夏令営, 每梯次為期四星期. 公開徵求有志代表伦敦中文學校之文化交流大使者, 请即日起開始报名, 至二月二十八日止.参加資格如下:
一. 年満十六亗以上之中學在校生.
二. 英文說.写.读. 能力佳, 具中文表達能力者. 身体健康, 无不良嗜好, 个性活泼, 具領導特
貭, 能帯動學生唱歌. 跳舞及其他才藝者.
三. 繳交报名费CAD$100.00
四. 经評審老師徵選合格者, 免费訓练有関课程.
五. 参加者必須全程参与所有訓练课程.
六. 完成訓练课程, 並通过測试者, 将正式成为伦敦中文學校之文化交流大使, 代表伦敦中文
七. 文化交流大使自付囯际來回机票及醫療保险, 中囯學校負責代表在中囯之食宿及當地之
交通费用, 同时依工作表現可獲个人零佣金.
详情请洽伦敦中文學校办公室, 或电 519-495-8688
A Culture Exchange Program will be held this summer through the cooperation between London Chinese School and the schools in China. We would like to open this opportunity for everyone who is willing to be our representative and is eager to work as an ambassador at culture exchange summer camp in China. The following is the condition for all participants:
1. Participants should be 16 years old or older.
2. Participants should speak, read and write in English fluently with some ability in Mandarin
speaking; good health; good manners and good leadership skill to lead younger students in
activities, such as singing and dancing, are also required.
3. Program fee is CAD$100
4. Participants will be provided a free training course (at no additional cost) after they have
been selected.
5. Participants have to attend all training courses
6. After have completed the training courses and passed the test, participants will be the
representatives of the London Chinese School to join the Culture Exchange Project as an
ambassador in China.
7. All representatives will be responsible for their own returning air fare and medical insurance;
the China partner will provide food, accommodation and transportation service during the
time working with the school in China, allowance after evaluation could be considered.
If you are interested in this project, please contact London Chinese School office 519-495-8688.
By Benjamin Shen, on February 1st, 2011 By: Alice Leys
2010年10月18日我和另外三名来自多伦多和蒙特利尔的中学生代表加拿大汉语桥一起去中国参加为期两周的观摩比赛。 我们的心情既兴奋又紧张,因为这还是第一次这么久远离父母。
我们先去了北京,我们去了天安门,故宫,还登上了长城。我们有一些时间去买东西,这样就有机会直接和北京人讲话和交流了。 我们还吃到了我生平最喜爱的食物 – 北京烤鸭。虽然在北京仅有几天的时间,但这是一个好的开端。然后,我们飞到了重庆,其余的时间都是在那儿度过的。我们这些来自世界各国的百余名中学生们相聚在这里将共同观摩激烈精彩的中文比赛,和学习多姿多彩的中国文化,领略神奇秀美的中华山水。
重庆市内有包括大足石刻和长江三峡在内的许多著名旅游景点,大足石刻始建于公元七世纪,由一系列的人像和雕塑组成,被列为世界文化遗产。重庆自古有兴学重教的优良传统,各类高等学校有近六十座。 重庆还在海外建立了八所孔子学院。有来自七十多个国家的留学生在此学习中文。 这次第三届“汉语桥”中文比赛观摩营也是由重庆市教委,重庆师范大学承办的。
On October 18th, 2010, myself and 3 other Canadian students took a twelve-hour flight to Beijing, China, on behalf of the 3rd “Chinese Bridge” Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreign Secondary School Students. The students arrived from all over the world, from over sixty-five different countries. The trip itself lasted two weeks, and ranged from Beijing to Chongqing, two main cities in China.
The trip consisted of a surplus of sightseeing some of Beijing’s greatest attractions, including the Great Wall, Tiananmen Square, the Olympic Stadiums, and more. The participants also had lots of time for shopping and such, giving us foreigners a chance to interact with the local shopkeepers. Even though our stay in Beijing was short, it was definitely a great beginning to a fun trip.
After spending a few days in China’s capital, our group of students from countries worldwide took a plane to the grand city of Chongqing. We spent the remainder of the trip in the beautiful city, only returning to Beijing on the last day, for international flights back home.
During our stay in Chongqing, we visited many great tourist sights, such as the Chongqing zoo, the Dazu stone carvings, and the Jindao Gorges. We also got opportunities to visit many museums and universities, as well as view the competition itself. Other activities included learning Tai Chi, tasting traditional Hot-Pot, and learning how to write calligraphy and make Chinese paper-cut designs.
Aside from learning all about Chinese culture and its people, we also got to spend a lot of time with the locals of Chongqing. They were very friendly towards us, and definitely helped to improve our Mandarin skills greatly. Several locals even came up to us asking for pictures with them, and we felt like foreign celebrities. When it came to be time to leave the wonderful city of Chongqing, I am quite certain that I was not the only one who was reluctant to pack their bags.
This trip to Chongqing and Beijing has been one that I shall never forget. Every moment I spent in China made me more eager to continue studying Mandarin, and improve my speaking, writing, and reading skills even more. The wonderful places I’ve seen as well as the lifelong friends I have made from across the world will forever have a place in my heart.
By Benjamin Shen, on September 8th, 2010 By Yepiao
August 26 ,2010 the Overseas Cultural and Traditional Arts Teacher Training program took place in the Culture Centre of Taipei Economic and Cultural office in Toronto. The training was sponsored by Wisdom Culture& Education Organization and OCAC, R.O.C. During the opening ceremony, guests delivered their speech and emphasized the importance of sharing our Chinese e culture and heritage with the world. Although this was first time for such a training program in Canada, it drew the interests of 60 trainees from East Canada. Its theme is promoting Chinese Culture and involving the cultural elements in Chinese teaching.
The four days training focused on 4 aspects including folk arts, folk dance, traditional sports and administrative study. The courses are alive and fun. Administrative studies covered topics from the role of cultural teachers, lesson plans, to the promotion of Chinese culture within our communities. Folk arts included the manufacturing of fragrance bag. We learned both the history and origin of the fragrance bag and also thrill to have experience to make our own. Folk dance including the Haka umbrella dance. We learned about the unique concept of “umbrella” in Haka Cultures. With the beautiful umbrella and delightful Haka lyric, we danced just like one of the Haka girls. The Taiji sword was a highlight of our traditional sports section. We were introduced to the history of the sword, the structures of a sword, and the philosophy of Taiji. We practised our Taiji with a sword in the beautiful and calming music. Our mind relaxed with the movement of our body. The training provided a perfect chance for us to discover the abundance of our culture.
The Last day was our graduation ceremony. There were 5 guests who joined us during the achievement performance. They were Mr Xue- Vice chairman of OCAC, Mr Wang- Officer of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, Ms Lai- Dean of social and education department of OCAC, Mr Ou-Dean of Culture Center in Taipei Economic and Cultural Office. Ms Zhao- President of United Committee of Chinese schools in Eastern Canada. The Ceremony was motivating and fun. First was the tea ceremony, followed by the ceremony of delivering Graduate Certificate. We proudly received our certificate because of our hard work and our dedication toward our training. One of the highlights was the minorities fashion show. Ten teachers dressed up in colourful minorities’ clothes, some presented themselves with beauty and joy. Others amused the audience with their humour. The exciting performances also showed our achievement in folk dance including the ‘’umbrella dance” and the “Bamboo clapper dance”, as well as martial arts includes “Stick “ and ‘’ Taiji.” The guests all were thrilled with the performances.
Overall, our time in Toronto was a great experience. We are grateful for the opportunity to attend the training session and will do our best to apply what we learned to our teaching.
– By Monica
By Benjamin Shen, on September 8th, 2010 High School Students participated Summer Studying Trip in Taiwan which were supported by the school and the Taiwanese Government.
by Shirley Yuan
It feels like only yesterday I was contemplating on whether or not to go on a study tour abroad and now I’m back from Taiwan with memories that’ll last for a lifetime. Although the twenty-five hour travel and transfers from Canada was not something I can classify as enjoyable, the experience and wealth I’ve gained was well worth the wait. Taiwan is truly a phenomenal place to visit; it’s a beautiful island rich in culture, tradition and full of life and passion.
For approximately two out of the three weeks of the tour, we stayed at Tamkang University located in a township north of Taipei. It has a beautiful campus sitting atop a mountain with fairly new facilities. The counselors welcomed us with long rehearsed ‘kpop’ dances and OCAC and the Vice President of Tamkang University greeted us with warmth.
Traveling started less than a week of our arrival. OCAC treated us with comfortable tour buses during our ten-day travel period that also acted as a second bed to us all. The trip covered the majority of Taiwan starting off from the Northern shore along the west coast where we visited Hsinchu, Tainan and Kaohsiung. These cities had some of the best night markets that Taiwan is so famous for. The night markets are always hustling and bustling with shoppers who can expect to find everything from electronics to contact lenses to millions of different accessories to prep one from head to toe, and not to mention the amount of fabulous food! It is definitely one of the perks I miss the most coming back to Canada.
Out of everything from this Taiwan Study Tour, the thing I value the most is the amazing people and friends I’ve made from the trip. OCAC had put together a wonderful program for kids around the world to get together and explore Taiwan as a team. Together, we fell in love with Taiwan.
2010 臺灣觀摩團(TST) – by Anna Xie
在臺灣的這三個禮拜,我們遊玩了很多地方,像淡水,臺北和高雄。在淡水,我們參觀了“不能說的秘密”和“向左走向右走”的拍攝地點。在臺北,我們看了臺北101,逛了士林夜市和西門町。士林夜市是臺灣非常著名的夜市。在那裏可以嘗到各種各樣的美食,像蚵仔煎,珍珠奶茶和烤蝦等等。西門町是臺灣最著名的購物地方。在那裏可以照大頭貼,唱KTV,和買到最時尚的衣飾。在那裏如果購物累了的話還可以買一杯好喝又便宜的珍珠奶茶!在高雄,我們參觀了世運場館和很有名的偶像劇“痞子英雄”的拍攝地點。它的拍攝地點有像高雄捷運站和夢時代。高雄捷運站和我去過的其他地方的捷運站都不一樣。它那裏面有五顔六色的天花板和柱子,非常特別。夢時代購物中心是臺灣第二大的購物聖地。它的頂層是一個Hello Kitty主題的摩天輪。這個摩天輪被稱爲“高雄之眼”, 因爲從摩天輪的頂端可以看到整個繁華的高雄市。
By Benjamin Shen, on August 19th, 2010 1. 上课时间, 每星期六下午十二点至叁点半• 学生必须準时上课, 无特殊原因而
迟到十五分钟以上者, 以旷课论之•
2. 上课其间不允许吃东西, 不许擅自离开座位和教室• 必須遵循班導師之指示•
3. 学生须遵守学校所规定的一切行为準则, 如有逾越违反校规者, 学校将提报教
育局处置之, 後果由学生自行负责•
4. 如有事或生病不能来上课, 需有家长向学校或老师事先请假• 缺课超过五次
者, 学校将缺课事由报备教育局, 以决定学生是否可以继续选修此学分•
5. 无故旷课达五次者, 由导师会同校长及家长辅导之•若未能改善, 则报备教育
6. 凡请假缺课者, 导师可决定是否准予补交作业或补考试之•
7. 凡无故旷课者, 一律不准补交作业或补考试之•缺课期间之成绩, 因而受影响
者, 学生应负完全之责任•
8. 学生每修完一学年者, 可得一学分• 成绩由教育局直接送交学生日间正规学校
, 成绩将呈现於学生的毕业成绩单上•
9. 九年级和十年级学生, 可与日间正规学校的辅导老师商议是否计算中文学校之
学分, 但是十一年级和十二年级学生, 无所选择, 必须计算此学分•
10. 学校设有多种奖学金, 以鼔励学生努力向学及积极参与校内外之活动•
By Benjamin Shen, on August 19th, 2010 亲爱的学生及家长们,
欢迎返校学习! 谢谢各位家长在五月提早为你的子女註册, 使本校校务得以平顺进行。在此,也特别欢迎新学生加入我们这个大家庭!
去年, 我们经历了非常忙碌且精彩的一学年! 我们成功地接受许多不同的挑战, 如期完成各项庆典活动, 并且参与华人社区的联合农曆年活动; 在多元文化节的表现, 更是十分精彩。 六月学期末”批萨派对’’, 你们应该记忆犹新吧! 家长会投入大量的人力与物力, 为的就是让全校师生有家的感觉, 更希望抛砖引玉, 让更多家长参与义工行列。 老师们每个星期六的辛勤教学, 更是劳苦功高。 家长会的今年表现实在可圈可点。 如果你们翻阅去年九月至今年六月的本校通讯, 应该会实际感触到许多人在不计代价地默默奉献。 在此谨代表学校向所有老师及 家长义工们至最高的敬意和感谢。 没有你们无私的奉献, 学校绝对无法发展, 相信大家感受到团结在一起的力量, 希望我们继续坚持这美好的精神, 为学校的前途努力,创造另一个成功的新学年。
今年是本校建校叁十年。 纪念活动正在规划中, 我们也公开园地, 徵求设计活动人才及企划案竞赛, 籲请各方英雄, 施展你的独家武艺。 详细参赛内容与表格, 请於九月後与校长接洽。 当然作品获胜者的奖励是绝对不会少的。
每个星期六9:00am – 3:30pm,本校办公室开放,欢迎各位家长莅临指教,只要有益於校务的推展,本人将尽最大的努力与你一起解决问题,期待与你一起为学校的将来而努力。
歡迎返校學習! 謝謝各位家長在五月提早為你的子女註冊, 使本校校務得以平順進行。在此,也特別歡迎新學生加入我們這個大家庭!
去年, 我們經歷了非常忙碌且精彩的一學年! 我們成功地接受許多不同的挑戰, 如期完成各項慶典活動, 並且參預華人社區的聯合農曆年活動; 在多元文化節的表現, 更是十分精彩。六月學期末” 批薩派對”, 你們應該記憶猶新吧! 家長會投入大量的人力與物力, 為的就是讓全校師生有家的感覺, 更希望拋磚引玉, 讓更多家長參與義工行列。 老師們每個星期六的辛勤教學, 更是勞苦功高。 家長會的今年表現實在可圈可點。 如果你們翻閱去年九月至今年六月的本校通訊, 應該會實際感觸到許多人在不計代價地默默奉獻。 在此謹代表學校向所有老師及 家長義工們至最高的敬意和感謝。 沒有你們無私的奉獻, 學校絕對無法發展, 相信大家感受到團結在一起的力量, 希望我們繼續堅持這美好的精神, 為學校的前途努力,創造另一個成功的新學年。
今年是本校建校三十年。 紀念活動正在規劃中, 我們也公開園地, 徵求設計活動人才及企劃案競賽, 籲請各方英雄, 施展你的獨家武藝。 詳細參賽內容與表格, 請於九月後與校長接洽。 當然作品獲勝者的獎勵是絕對不會少的。
每個星期六9:00am – 3:30pm,本校辦公室開放,歡迎各位家長蒞臨指教,隻要有益於校務的推展,本人將盡最大的努力與你一起解決問題,期待與你一起為學校的將來而努力。
Tel: 519-495-8688
E-mail: principal@londonchineseschool.com
Dear all students and parents,
Welcome back! Thank you so much for pre-registering your children in May. That really helped us! A special welcome to our new families, we are thrilled to have you join our school and community.
Last Academic year was very busy and successful; we had completed various tasks, including participating all of the London Chinese community groups to celebrate the Chinese New Year. We were so proud of our excellent performance at the 2nd International Language Multi-culture event. You might also remember our Pizza party on June 12. If you would review our newsletter from Sep. 2009 to June 2010, you could find out how many successful activities that we have completed. Of course, we should also thank our teachers for working so hard for our regular school hours on each Saturday. I sincerely appreciated all of teachers and parents and volunteers who selflessly contributed your time and heart to the school and to our students. Without your support, the school can’t develop and grow. I believe everyone realized how much we could accomplish when we worked together. I hope we could continue with the same spirit and work together tightly again this year to achieve more.
The school will be 30 years old this year. We will be planning for our anniversary celebration. We welcome anyone who is interested to share your ideas and suggestions for this special event. Please participate in our “Anniversary Event Planning Competition”. Please contact me for more details in September 2010. You will receive a prize after your ideas having been accepted.
I’ll be in the office every Saturday from 9:00am – 3:30pm, and will welcome having a chat if you are free or if you have any concern about school; I’ll do my best to solve the problem together with you. Looking forward to working together with you!
Sincerely yours,
Linda Hsieh
Principal of London Chinese School
Tel: 519-495-8688
E-mail: principal@londonchineseschool.com
September 11, 2010