January 2025
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Christmas Celebration 圣诞节庆祝活动

On 17th December, 2011, we celebrated Christmas at the London Chinese School.  There was a bake sale with lots of treats and goodies, they were very yummy.  Santa Clause even came to give us a little prize and I learnt the Chinese word of Merry Christmas (圣诞快乐)!  It was very fun to celebrate the tradition of Christmas and celebrate the Christian event of the birth of Jesus.  Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year.

By Melissa (Mandarin Grade 6 student)



Tai Chi Class Christmas Celebration

Shi Fu Norman Lam and his class celebrate Christmas at the School with a pot luck party. Shi Fu Norman Lam has offered Tai Chi class at London Chinese School to the school parents for 25 years. Class time is every Saturday morning at the gym.  Parents are welcome to join.

Pinyin Workshop / 拼音教室

After discussions between our Principal Perin Wong and some of her new staff, our Principal came to a conclusion that many of our students needs to improve on Pinyin and Pinyin helps them to memorize how to read.  This is a common problem for heritage learners since reading and writing are usually weaker than speaking and listening.  Pinyin Workshop is an important and essential enhance program for our Mandarin Classes’ students.

After careful planning and contacting numerous sponsors, our Principal Ms. Wong finally secure the necessary resources to proceed with this first time in 30 years enhance program free for all our Mandarin Elementary and Culture and Language Classes’ students and according to Ms. Wong, this program may extend to our Mandarin Credit Classes’ students if necessary.

We would like to take the opportunity to thank the following Parties:

CHLEF and its Chair Ms. Susanne Quan for funding the program.

CNCC London Chapter and its Chair Ms. Joan Lee for lending us their HD Projector.

Our Principal, Ms Perin Wong for lending us her personal Laptop.

Without their support, this program may not be able to proceed, let alone overwhelming success.

Following is the comment from our Pinyin Workshop instructor.

我们的校长陈王宝玉女士和部分教师讨论后,得出的结论是我们许多学生需要提高拼音技巧,帮助他们阅读能力。对于本地出生或中文非他们母语的学生,这是一个普遍存在的问题,因为他们阅读和写作能力通常会比会话能力较弱。因此拼音教室是一个重要的国语课程。 经过王校长周密的计划和与众多赞助团体接触后,王校长终于争取到必要的资源来实行拼音教室,在30年来首次免费提供给本校的国语小学学生包括文化和语言班学生,王校长还表示,如果有需要可能会提供拼音教室给国语学分课程的学生。


CHLEF及其主席Susanne Quan女士提供资助。

CCNC London Chapter及其主席Joan Lee女士借出高清投影机。





Learning Hanyu Pinyin

Mandarin Chinese and English are very different languages. English is a phonetic transcription language but Manndarin Chinese is not. There are many characters and each of them is like a symbol. In order to recognize and read Mandarin Chinese characters correctly, learners need to learn Mandarin Chinese Phonetic systems. There are several Mandarin Chinese Phonetic systems used nowadays. Hanyu Pinyin is the official system to transcribe Chinese characters into the Roman alphabet in China, Malaysia, Singapore and Taiwan. It is also the most common system used by English speakers who learn Mandarin Chinese. It includes initials, finals and different tones. Knowing how to apply and use the pinyin system can help learners transcribe and read Mandarin Chinese characters more easily and build up their reading ability. It was my honor to start doing pinyin workshops at London Chinese School at the end of November. I hope it helps students build up their basic abilities about reading Mandarin Chinese and opens a new door for students to know the Chinese culture.

Chen, Li-Ching


中国的汉字和西方的文字有很大的不同,西方的文字是一种拼音的文字,文字呈现语言的声音,从声音认识文字的意义。而汉字是一种表形的文字,由于汉字是形符,所以文字不容易念出正确的声音,虽然汉字有90%以上的形声字,但是形声字的声符因受时间和地域的影响,有些字已经无法「有边读边,无边念中间」,所以要学习汉字先要学会音标方法。目前有许多汉字拼音方式及音标系统,维基百科中提到「汉语拼音系统是国际普遍承认的汉语普通话拉丁转写标准,国际标准ISO 7098(中文罗马字母拼写法)写道:「中华人民共和国全国人民代表大会(1958年2月11日)正式通过的汉语拼音方案,被用来拼写中文。」对于有英文背景的学习者,汉语拼音亦是比较容易学习的拼音方法, 它是以英文罗马字母为拼音的符号。汉语拼音符号包含声符、韵符和声调符号,汉语学习者,如果能认识汉语拼音符号,并掌握正确的声调,便能建立汉语的基础阅读能力。今年11月底,很荣幸能开始在伦敦中文学校


拼音课程教师 陈丽卿


(by Regina Killik)

二月十三日晚, Chinese Alliance Church里灯火通明, 张灯结彩。 火红的宫灯和可爱的兔年灯笼悬挂在大堂中,教堂里充满了浓浓的节日气氛。伦敦中文学校一些家长和全体老师新春联谊会在这里举行。

家长准备了丰盛的晚餐, 各自带来了拿手好菜, 一起动手包好了好吃的饺子。 教堂四周摆满了鲜花和礼品。首先家长致感谢辞, 深深地感谢全体老师们在过去一年的辛勤耕耘和可喜的成就。 随后谢校长致答谢辞。 家长王先生对前不久"家长问卷"调查进行了分析和解答,双方就共同关心的事情进行了探讨和商量。最后谢校长和沈副校长主持了抽奖。大家都很幸运,个个中奖,人们手捧心爱的奖品相互祝贺并合影,留下那开心的一笑。

联谊会在欢声笑语中结束了,可效果非同一般, 它极大地增强了中文学校的凝聚力,它像一座桥梁,沟通了中文学校老师和家长之间的交流。为了弘扬博大精深的中华文化,让我们携手共创中文学校美好灿烂的明天。


(by Jessie Shi)

On February 15, some parents invited teachers for an appreciation dinner. Teachers and the parents have had a wonderful night together, enjoying had-made fried dumplings, sharing experience and exchanging ideas. Parents concluded many good feedbacks and suggestions from last student’s survey, and thanked the teachers after dinner. The top attractive reason of studying at London Chinese School was because the school has excellent teachers, which greatly encourages all the teachers to contribute better for the class and the school. This dinner provided a relaxing and delightful atmosphere for the communication both between teachers and parents, and among teachers themselves.


欢欢喜喜迎兔年 London Chinese School 2011 Year of Rabbit Assembly

新年的钟声已经敲响,兔年在不经意间悄然来临。 2011年2月5日,伦敦中文学校的老师、学生和家长们共同度过了一个愉快而有意义的迎新活动。校长谢曾芳兰代表学校感谢家长们对学校工作的支持和对中文教育的重视。她预祝每一位学生都能像兔子一样,在新的一年里跳得更高、更远,学业蒸蒸日上。




By Angela Tam

On February 5th, an annual assembly was held for the Chinese New Year celebration for the year of Rabbit. In the morning, the school had an open house where parents can have the opportunity to meet the teachers and participate in activities for both parents and children to work and play together through “Parent’s Big Hand Holding Children’s Small Sand”. We are very grateful to have many guests joining our assembly including Mr. James Martin, principal of London Catholic School Board and many of our parents who showed up with great support.

The celebration assembly began with opening speeches by our principal, Linda Hsieh and Mr. James Martin then followed by the traditional performance of Lion Dance. The assembly was hosted by students from the Mandarin grade twelve class. Three outstanding class performances were done by our highly talented students. Performances include: our school song, “Gong Xi, Gong Xi” song by Special Program and Mandarin grade one class and a Cantonese Chinese New Year Song by Cantonese Intermediate and Senior class. They all received thunderous applause from the audience. Last but not least, Money Gods handed out red pockets, representing good health and prosperity to us, in bringing a close to such a festive assembly.

We especially thank our principal for planning this very joyous assembly and lucky draws as well as the hard works that were put into organizing numerous group activities together by our Parents Group including Paper Cutting, Chinese Zodiac Puzzle, Stepping Balloon, Writing Chun-Lian and Rolling Ball. The cooperation and support by our students and parents are greatly appreciated to bring all of us closer together to celebrate this meaningful event to be filled with knowledge and fun at the same time!


by 孙蘋







by Angela Tam

On May 1st 2010, the second annual Multicultural Event was held at John Paul II Secondary School.   All programs of the International Language Program were joined together to organize this event supported by the London District Catholic School board.  We, London Chinese School, were honoured to be one of the biggest participating language schools.  Other schools include Assyrian, Ethiopian, Greek, Korean, Pakistan, Poland, Portuguese, Spanish and Vietnamese.     The main purpose of this event was not only to display and learn about different cultures through videos, performances, food, and games, but also to raise money so all proceeds can be sent to Haiti.

When I arrived at John Paul II Secondary School, our principal, vice principal, teachers and student volunteers had already started in preparation for the events in the atrium.  Tables were set for many activities, displays and food.  Some of our teachers and parents were very generous and donated different kinds of food and snacks including dumplings, fortune cookies, fried rice, sushi and much more.   Our senior students and teachers also helped in demonstrations such as Chinese painting, calligraphy, paper cutting, chopsticks usage, and Chinese chess.  Our students also performed a magnificent dance of the Thousand Hand Buddha and a beautiful song played with the traditional Chinese instrument Guzheng by Alice.  They both received thunderous applause from the audience.

As I walked around the atrium to tables set up by the different International Language Schools, I enjoyed looking at their displays of their traditional costumes and of course, sampling their traditional cuisine.  This multicultural event gives me a valuable opportunity to walk into different communities that is less familiar to me and more importantly, when you learn about different cultures, you can respect each other more. 


水墨画在课堂上倍受学生欢迎,老师不仅教授学生如何画梅花,而且培养学生如何欣赏中国山水画。从中国山水画的表现形式,组成元素,到浓淡技巧, 老师们讲得清清楚楚,学生们听得津津有味。
韩书友 摄影




